
Tuesday 14 May 2013

Welcome back to school!

Hello class, welcome back to school! This term we will be learning lots of new and exciting things.

We have already talked about being 'smart' and what 'smart' looks like and sounds like. In our groups we decided that...

Being smart looks like:
Listening to the teacher
Putting your hand up to speak
Sitting nicely
Doing your best work
Asking lots of questions
Asking for help if you need it
Speaking politely
Playing nicely
Being helpful
Keeping the class tidy
Having good ideas
Learning from mistakes

Being smart sounds like:
Can you help me please?
Can I help you?
Please could you say that again?
I don't know
I need more time to think
I think that
I love learning

It's cool to be smart and to keep learning!

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