
Friday 1 June 2012

Using the Thinking Hats

We have been using thinking hats to help us make our own minibeasts. We used the green 'creative' hat to think up new ideas. Many children mixed up insects to create a new species of minibeast. We then used the yellow 'positive' hat to think about what was good about our new minibeast. Lastly, we used the black 'judgement' hat to think about what was bad or could be a problem with our minibeast.

The children had a lot of interesting ideas!


  1. What wonderful ideas for new minibeasts. Mr Wilkinson

  2. Dear Teacher Paul, I have lots of fun to make my minibeast. Thank you. Yukyik

  3. teacher paul I lern lots about Insect and minibeast and I have fun to draw a minibeast or make a minibeast to. ai


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