
Tuesday 19 June 2012

The Beauty of Pollination

We watched this video in class today and at the end of it some of the children started to clap! I thought I would put it on the blog so you can watch it again! We were learning about pollination, which is when insects (and birds and bats!) move pollen from flower to flower to help them make new flowers. We also learnt how flowers attract insects with their bright colours, beautiful smell and sugary nectar!

More amazing insects!

Very powerful cameras can now take amazing photographs of even the smallest things. Here is an insect that's been caught in the rain. What insect do you think it is? What do you think of it's incredible eyes? How would the world look using eyes like that?

To see more amazing minibeast photographs like this click here

Thursday 14 June 2012

Minibeast Word Game

Can you remember some of the new science words we have learnt in our theme lessons about minibeasts? Find out how many you can remember in this cool new game.

There are three different ways to play the game. First you can match the words to their meanings. Secondly, you can play a crossword using these new words. Finally, you can also click a sound button and hear these words being spoken and click on the right meaning. A fun way to learn new words and speaker better English!

Let me know if you enjoyed the game and how well you did.

To play the game click here

A Lesson About Bees

I have made a lesson about bees which you can do on the internet.

First, watch the video and try to remember the facts about bees. Then click on 'Think' where you will be asked questions. Click on 'Dig Deeper' to find more facts about bees and to play bee games. Lastly, click 'And finally' to think more about bees and how they help us.

We will use these facts and your thoughts and ideas in our class next week.

Let me know if you enjoyed this lesson by leaving me a comment.

To go to the lesson click here

Beautiful Creepy Crawlies

We are learning lots about minibeasts and how strange and amazing they can be. They can also be very beautiful.

Click here to see lots of beautiful photographs of different minibeasts. Can you name the different minibeasts in each photograph?

Tuesday 12 June 2012

What are they thinking?

Do you like this photograph? The animal is called a manatee. They are very gentle and live in rivers. They like to swim, sleep and eat lots of plants. The girl is about three years old. What do you think she is thinking as she looks at the manatee? And what do you think the manatee is thinking as he looks at the little girl?

Thursday 7 June 2012

Thinking Game - Save the Snail!

Can you use your thinking skills to save Bob the Snail? Click on the buttons to see what they do and then think of a way to save Bob the Snail from being eaten. What level will you get to? Good luck!

 Click here to play Bob the Snail.

Minibeast Hunt

We have been on a minibeast hunt around the school. We saw lots of different minibeasts.

We used magnifying glasses to look at them closely.


We wrote down what we saw, where we saw it and what it was doing.
Some children saw eight different minibeasts. How many did you see?
Why not leave a comment saying what you saw.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Minibeast Camouflage

A dead-leaf buttefly
Some minibeasts have wonderful camouflage. The leafy stick insect looks just like a twig with leaves and the pepper moth is almost impossible to see against tree bark.
We coloured some dead-leaf butterflies and hid them among dead leaves. Look at the photograph. How many dead-leaf butterflies can you count? Why not leave an answer in the comments?

How many butterflies are in this photograph?

Monday 4 June 2012

Video - How to make a comment

Here is a short video I made about how to leave a comment on Teacher Paul's blog.

Comments may not appear until the next day but don't let that stop you!

I am looking forward to reading some of your comments.

Friday 1 June 2012

Using the Thinking Hats

We have been using thinking hats to help us make our own minibeasts. We used the green 'creative' hat to think up new ideas. Many children mixed up insects to create a new species of minibeast. We then used the yellow 'positive' hat to think about what was good about our new minibeast. Lastly, we used the black 'judgement' hat to think about what was bad or could be a problem with our minibeast.

The children had a lot of interesting ideas!