
Wednesday 26 June 2013

Using iPads in the Classroom

We are very lucky in Year 3/1 because we have been given a set of six iPad minis to help us learn in the classroom. The iPads are part of a study into how tablet computers can be used for teaching and learning. 

So far we have used an app called Educreations which records you as you talk and explain things. This is good for improving our speaking. The children have also been very excited about making their own iBook about bees using an app called Book Creator.  They have made a book cover, taken photographs and imported them into their books, written and formatted text, embedded sound recordings they did onto a page and also embedded video recordings they made of fact sentences.

The children have been very quick to learn lots of new skills. Well done and watch this space!


  1. Very nice to see how happy they are in learning. ^^

  2. I think friends are nice. And they are helpful.

  3. Very very nice to see friends are all happy to use the iPads


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