
Friday 13 December 2013

Playground stories

We have been thinking about stories that happen in familiar settings - places we see around us everyday. Our homes, the street, parks, shopping malls and our school are familiar settings. Familiar just means someone or something that we see a lot. Our bedrooms are very familiar to us - we wake up there every morning. And the school playground is familiar too, which is where we planned our story starters.

Here are some of our ideas for the start of a story in a familiar setting, which we turned into a comic with speech bubbles using the Strip Designer app on the iPad.


Measuring heart beats

Here are Group A counting their heart beats.
In science we have been learning about the human heart. We know that it is made of muscle and works hard all our lives! It's important to keep it healthy so it can pump blood full of oxygen to all the cells in our body.

When we measure our heart beat it is called a 'pulse.' It is measured in beats per minute. For our experiment we measured our pulse when sitting, walking and then after running around very fast. We found that when we ran fast our hearts beat faster. Why does the heart do that? What is happening when that happens?