
Tuesday 10 September 2013

My Amazing Brain 3

My Amazing Brain 2

My Amazing Brain 1

Charlie Myth Story

How much of the Charlie myth story can you remember? Watch the video and then stop it at each picture and tell the story in your own words. Learning this story will help your story writing.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

My Amazing Brain

We've been practicing our speaking and listening skills by learning a poem called My Amazing Brain. Here is a video of us reading the poem for the first time.

Can You Tell the Time?

We've been learning how to tell the time in maths. We know the big hand counts the minutes and the small hand counts the hours. We know there are 60 minutes in an hour and we can tell the time on analogue and digital clocks. We can also tell the time using the English style of  'quarter past, half past and quarter to.'

Why not get even better at telling the time by playing these different time games? They are all good fun. Enjoy!

To play the games click here

Tudor Jousting Game

Rich Tudor people loved to watch the jousting competitions where brave knights tried to knock each other off their horses. Each knight had their own 'coat of arms' and knights who were good became very famous like pop stars today!

You have to be very quick to win the jousting game in the court of King Henry VIII. Try to go as fast as you can and get close to the target  to be one of the best knights.

Good luck! Let me know how well you did.

To play the game click here