
Monday 19 August 2013

Science Week Posters

For Science Week we learnt about 'adaptation' and how animals adapt to live in different habitats and environments. We looked at camels and polar bears to see how they have adapted to live in desert and artic habitats.

Then we designed our own creature using parts of different animals. We had to invent a new name, describe the animal's habitat and diet and also label each body part to explain what it did to help the animal 'adapt' to its environment.

The children had to make their own animal posters and there were gems for the best ones. The best new animal went to Gunn and Panna for the 'Foxybeebat.' The best information poster went to Pol and Pan for the 'Battle Scorpio' and the best presentation went to Marwin and Ong for their presentation on the 'Scorpio Tigerbat.'

All the children worked really hard and won a gem for their fantastic posters, well done!

Pol and Pan
Marwin and Ong
Gunn and Panna
Amy and Gekim
Poom and Idea
Tan and Plern
Navin and Fah
Frank and Preme
Kanoon and Noel
Petong and Phupah

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Sound Experiments

Testing how to change volume and pitch using bottles filled with different amounts of water
We are learning how to be good scientists. We know that scientists ask questions about the world around them and then look for answers. To find answers they do tests, investigations and experiments. The results from their experiments help them find answers they can say are true. In our bottle experiment we found that the more water was in the bottle, the lower the pitch. A little water had a higher pitch. To change the volume we hit the bottles harder or softer.

Why not play this game which lets you experiment by playing different intruments and changing the pitch and volume.


The Dragonfly group making a timeline.
We have been learning about history and timelines. They are a good way to learn how things have changed through history. There is a good animated timeline activity on the BBC website which shows you the history of the UK over the last 2,000 years. You can play it here.

But it does not have our theme area, The Tudors. To learn more about who the Tudors were you can read this website which has great information about life in England 500 years ago. Visit it here.

Make Your Wild Self!

We have had great fun making our 'wild selves' in class. We have been learning about "adaptation" how animals have different body parts to help them live in different habitats. This brilliant website lets you add different animal and insect body parts to make a whole new animal!

Why not let your family and friends have a go at making their wild self?

To visit the website click here

Friday 2 August 2013

Persephone Myth - Freeze Frame

We had great fun freeze framing scenes from the Persephone myth which was told by the Ancient Greeks to explain why the plants and flowers die off in the autumn and winter and grow back in spring and summer.

Hades, Lord of the Underworld, grabs Persephone and takes her to the Land of the Dead. He wants her to be his wife.

Demeter, mother of Persephone, is very sad and asks Zeus. The King of the Gods, for help.
Zeus tells Demeter that he will use his powers to find her daughter.
Persephone has eaten six seeds which means she must stay in the Underworld for six months of the year.
For the other six months, Persephone goes back to her mother and together they make the trees, plants and flowers grow.

Myths, Legends and Traditional Stories

We have started to read and learn about different myths and legends from around the world. We have learnt that myths are very old stories that people told to help them understand the world around them.

There were no movies or computers a long time ago so myth and legend stories were a way to have fun and teach children about the world.

To read lots of different myths and legends from around the world, click on this link to go to a great website.

Which myth or legend did you like the best? You could tell me which one you liked and why you liked it by making a comment!