
Friday 23 November 2012

Inside our bodies

We've had lots of fun making 'human bodies' with internal organs. We worked in groups and drew round the smallest children in the class. We then researched different organs and drew our own to put inside our 'bodies.' These included a brain, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, kidneys and intestines.



Wednesday 21 November 2012

Maths problem solving

We were very fortunate to have maths co-ordinator, Mr Lever, in our class recently who gave us a special lesson on maths problem solving. We learnt that it is very important to understand the problem by reading it carefully and looking for important words and numbers. We also learnt that there is often a 'pattern' that can help you solve a problem.

We worked in partners and also thought about ways we could make the problem more difficult. Mr Lever was very impressed by our thinking and number skills and the children also really enjoyed being taught by Mr Lever. Thank you Mr Lever, we all learnt a lot!

Measuring Weight

We've been reading scales to measure the weight of different things. We've learnt that you have to make sure the scale starts at zero, then work out each 'jump' on the scale to read it accurately.

We also did some weighing challenges e.g. find 12 things that weigh 50g.

Here is a game where you have to read different scales to measure the weight. Have a go and let me know how many you got right.

Click here to go to the game

Thinking about teeth

We've been learning about teeth, what they are called and what they do. We learnt that different teeth have different shapes and do different things. We then made models of teeth using modelling clay, making sure we got the right number of each type of tooth and the right shape.

Can you remember the names of different teeth and what they do?

Click here to play a game about teeth.

What makes good Instructions?

We have been looking at what makes good instructions to help us write our own. We worked in groups to look at different types of instructions and talk about what we thought was good.

We decided that good instructions have:
  1. A clear title
  2. A 'what you will need' part
  3. Diagrams with labels
  4. Bullet points and numbers
  5. Simple, easy to read sentences
  6. Lots of 'bossy' action verbs
  7. Sentence openers like first, next, finally.