
Friday 14 March 2014

The Two Sharks!

A reef shark, just like the one Teacher Paul met in the sea one day.

The story of Teacher Paul and the two sharks - coming soon! ^___^


It's good to say goodbye thinking about all the things that we like about our friends and what is special about them. We had fun making these pictures and thinking of kind words to write. And its all true! Click on these small pictures to see the bigger ones and read all the compliments and kind words your friends wrote about you. Enjoy your long holidays!

Friday 7 March 2014

Goodbye Year 3/1

Goodbye Year 3/1. It has been very nice to meet you all. Thank you for being good students and making great progress! Remember to listen carefully and be kind to each other. I wish you the very best of luck for Year 4.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Egyptian Activities

There are some great Egyptian games and activities at this wonderful website (Click here to visit the site). Created by the National Museum of Scotland, you can explore Egyptian geography, learn how Egyptians dressed and even play an arcade-style game called 'The Three Pyramids.'

Take a look and have fun learning all about the Egyptians.

Sarcophagus books

A selection of some of our sarcophagus books
We've had a lot of fun making sarcophagus books with beautifully drawn covers and lots of amazing Egyptian facts inside!

Well done everybody - the books look great!

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Our Maths Hats

We had a maths day recently and to help us get our brains thinking about numbers we made maths hats.

Everyone made a maths hat and Preme won the competition for the best hat!

Preme with her winning maths hat.

Friday 10 January 2014

Life in Ancient Egypt

Imagine you are a child in Ancient Egypt living next to the River Nile. Write a short story describing some of the things you might see and do. Why not watch the video to get some ideas.

Friday 13 December 2013

Playground stories

We have been thinking about stories that happen in familiar settings - places we see around us everyday. Our homes, the street, parks, shopping malls and our school are familiar settings. Familiar just means someone or something that we see a lot. Our bedrooms are very familiar to us - we wake up there every morning. And the school playground is familiar too, which is where we planned our story starters.

Here are some of our ideas for the start of a story in a familiar setting, which we turned into a comic with speech bubbles using the Strip Designer app on the iPad.